Unbelievably, Another Car Hits The Famous Auburn, Maine Walmart Pole
You would think after several years of people hitting the pole in the parking lot of the Auburn Walmart, with photos of their misjudgments splattered all over the Internet, that drivers would have stopped hitting the famous pole by now. Sadly, that's not the case as yet another car has run into the Auburn Walmart Pole.
At this point, I've lost count of how many times this pole has been hit, but here are a few of the greatest hits.
They've changed the color...
It didn't work...
They ripped out the pole...
Replaced it with a new one...
It didn't work either...
There just seems to be no solution to keep drivers from driving right into the pole like it wasn't even there.
The latest crash into Auburn Walmart Pole version 3.0 happened on Monday, November 14 as seen in this photo taken by Kaitlyn St Peter of Lewiston who happened to be there when the pole got its latest smack. Despite it taking a good knock, the pole wins again. It always wins.
As I've said before when this happens, the solution for drivers is simple and they can save thousands of dollars on repairs by just not trying to cut this corner and drive over the diagonal yellow lines. Those lines mean in very simple terms "Don't park or drive here."
I have a feeling we'll be seeing this for decades to come or until cars start driving themselves and are smarter than the humans behind the wheel.