Have you ever heard someone from Maine say, "I work hard for my money"? Well as it turns out, they ain't lying! New data from the United States Bureau of Labor suggests that people Maine work longer hours than any other state in the northeast. Not only that, despite working those long hours, people in Maine get paid considerably less.

According to the Bangor Daily News, Mainers put in the longest work week in the Northeast last year, at 34.3 hours per week. No other state in New England worked average weeks of that length. At 34.3 hours, Maine ranked middle of the pack nationally for work weeks, at 28th.

But perhaps more concerning is compensation. with Maine ranking amongst the worst states in the U.S., ranking 46th in the country in purchasing power, meaning how far your money goes towards purchases like goods and services. While Maine ranked low, other New England States like Connecticut (10th) and Massachusetts (3rd) ranked near the top for purchasing power.

Bangor Daily News
Bangor Daily News

So if you're feeling slighted, underpaid and overworked at your job on a daily basis here in Maine, chances are....you're right.

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