Vote For Movies You Want To See At Lewiston Summer Fun and Films
According to the Sun Journal, the Lewiston Police Department is looking for the public's input for their Lewiston Summer Fun and Films program which presents outdoor movies throughout the summer.
The Lewiston Police Department along with the Gendron Franco Center will begin the showings on June 26th at Simard-Payne Memorial Park. The program which began as a police/community relations builder, has grown into an enormous neighborhood event. During the first year approximately 160 people showed up for each film, now attendance is up around 1000 people.
The outdoor summer movies are a free night out and a lot of fun for families as well as great way for neighbors to meet and interact. These nights also include pre-movie fun that begins at 6p, they include: balloon twisters, bounce house, yoga, photo booth and face painting.
Find more information and take part in a poll to determine which movies you would like to see on the Lewiston Police Department's Facebook page.
Movies will begin at dusk. Here is the Lewiston Fun and Films schedule:
June 26- Simard-Payne Memorial Park
July 10- Pettingill School Park
July 24- Drouin Field
August 6- Lewiston Middle School
August 21- Pathway Vineyard Church