Watch These Mainers Battle Each Other in Armored Combat
The great Tegan Wright has come out with a new docu-series called "Odd Balls." The premiere episode is a doozy! It's titled "Armored Combat: The Lives of Medieval "Nerds." Mainers, who some may call nerds, all get together, dress up in actual armor, grab actual weapons and re-enact battles of the 14th century. And they really knock the crap out of each other!
This interesting group is called the Portland Reavers and they are one of a few Armored Combat chapters across New England. They all get together and hang out...and it kind of looks like a fun camping sort of thing...until the giant swords come out. Then all hell breaks loose. And it is awesome. The Portland Reavers may be my favorite new sports team in Maine!
As Tegan says, these Nerd-A-Lots show a ton of badassery!
The Reavers get together and practice pretty frequently, and it all looks to be part brutal sport (they don't take it easy on our friend Tegan), and part social. Like, verrrrry social. You'll see in this episode how there are a lot of polyamorous relationships in this unique community. Yup, it looks like these super nerds rule the world of combat and multi-romantic relationships.
You are going to love this episode of Odd Balls. Some of the members are nerds, some are ex-military, some are history buffs, but I love that this diverse group of individuals have all found "their people" with the Portland Reavers. There are some touching stories of how getting involved with this community not only changed, but saved lives. Rock on, Portland Reavers!
Heavy is the head that wears the crown....or helmet in this case. Well done, Tegan Wright! We can't wait for the next episode of "Odd Balls."
Watch the entire Armored Combat episode of Odd Balls here: