We’re Still Waiting: Chick-fil-A Intends To Open A Location In Westbrook, Maine
Déjà vu… Haven't we heard this before? There have been ongoing reports that Chick-fil-A is opening a restaurant in Westbrook, Maine. It has been… what… maybe four years since the news first broke. One of the first questions I remember asking a coworker when I started working at Townsquare Media was about the nearest Chick-fil-A. (It is my favorite fast food chain.) That's when I was told about Westbrook's plans. Here it is three years and five months later, and no Chick-fil-A. I heard a rumor along the way that the franchise had scrapped its plans because of development plans going south. And, I also heard a number of Westbrook residents did not want the most famous chicken sandwich in the world in their town for various reasons. Blah blah blah. I'm tired of hearing it's on again, off again. Just make it happen already.
My rant brings me to this new report from WMTW: Chick-fil-A plans to open at Rock Row in Westbrook despite the coronavirus pandemic. It will supposedly happen at some point in 2021. We'll see.