If you’re forced to work at home right now, then you deserve a WBLM "Work From Home" Workforce Block presented by Partners Bank.

We want you to send us a list of six songs you want to hear to keep you rocking through your day, and we’ll get them on with a special shoutout to you.

You keep working, and we’ll keep rocking! Just fill out the form below to submit your list of songs to us!

Here's what we need from you: your name, the city/town you are in, what your home office setup is like (where are you at in the house, are your kids or pets around, etc), who you work for, and of course, your list of six songs you want us to play!

Here's an example of what it may sound like on the air if we pick your list:

These next four songs come from Jake down in Sanford. Jake’s working from home, currently sitting at his dining room table, making sure his cat stops chewing at the cord of his headphones while on a conference call!

Fill out the form here:

Here are multiple ways to listen to WBLM if you're working from home:

Keep on rockin' on, Blimpsters! We're right here with you!


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