In a remarkable act of bravery, a 9-year-old boy from Waterville named Devin Dumais from jumped into action to let tenants know of a fire in their building over the weekend in Madison.

While staying at his grandparent's house in Madison, Devin Dumais looked outside and saw thick smoke coming from a nearby apartment building, according to Central Maine.

This happened at around 2 p.m. Devine then rushed over towards the burning building and began knocking on each door of all three units. Because of his swift action, everyone was able to escape in time. He made everyone aware of the fire and so they had ample time to evacuate even before the firefighters arrived.

The fire damage was limited to just one apartment. Madison firefighters were able to limit the damage to just one apartment and extinguish the flames in about 10 minutes.

According to Central Maine, Firefighter French said, 
“I can’t say enough about that 9-year-old boy,”  “You know, minutes count when it comes to something like that. Another three or four minutes and the fire could have extended into the other apartments, gone up into the attic — anything. Then we’d have had a lot of trouble.”

Because of this young man's determination, terrible tragedy was avoided.

The Madison Fire Department is so proud that they are planning to recognize Devin officially for his heroism! Keep an eye out for that!

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