This past Friday, I was giving my son Sam a ride to work, when we realized that we had a good hour till he needed to be there. So I said, "Let's go grab some breakfast, bub."

Living in Southern Maine, we have so many great breakfast joints to choose from. And one of Sam and my favorites is Uncle Andy's Diner in South Portland.

Just check this out! The Farmer's Scramble with veggie sausage!! Yes guy!!!


Uncle Andy's Diner is a legendary eating establishment that's been around since the late 40's starting out as a bakery with the BEST oatmeal bread. For the past 10 years it has been owned by Dennis and his wife. Dennis is also a comedian and tells jokes behind the grill in front of a captive audience."Didja hear the one about the Pirates? They took the Rrrrr to Lewiston and now we live in Potland." hee, hee

He makes wicked fun pancakes too!

Wicked Fun Pancakes on the grill
Wicked Fun Pancakes on the grill


Wicked Fun Pancakes on the plate
Wicked Fun Pancakes on the plate

An amazing breakfast and some laughs...Friday was off to a great start!


Dennis and The Gu
Dennis and The Gu

Nothin Finah Than Local Dinahs, bub!  peace n love, guru

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