As the firefighters noted, it was a ruff day...


Poor Bear. No word on how the giant St. Bernard got ON the roof in South Portland, but no matter, the brave men of South Portland Firefighters were able to get him in the bucket truck and back home safe and sound, according to WGME 13.

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South Portland Firefighters Facebook


Ladder 45 was happy to get the 155 pound doggy OFF THE ROOF! I mean, it IS the best place to get the best sun...but still. He seemed happy to pose with his rescuers.

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South Portland Firefighters Facebook


I would say that Bear was chasing a cat onto the roof...but to be honest, it doesn't look like Bear chases much, except a good nap.

Good ol' Bear picked THE perfect day to check out the roof. Because if he had gone onto the roof yesterday, or even Thursday - those firefighters would have been dragging in 155 pounds of sopping wet dog. Good boy - good boy Bear!



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