The King of knowing what is sexy, "People" magazine, took a survey and has released a list of sexy things that are worth sharing with you. BTW, they crowned David Beckham as "Sexiest Man Alive" for 2015!

Highlights from the "People" list of "Sexiest Things":

Sexiest Accent: British. Australian is #2.

Sexiest Job: Firefighter. Doctor is #2

Sexiest Age: 37. 36 was #2

Sexiest Physical trait: Smile. Chiseled chest was #2

Sexiest Car: Pickup Truck. Sports car was #2

Sexiest Sport: Football. Soccer was #2

Sexiest Room in the House: Bedroom. Kitchen was #2

Sexiest Alcoholic Drink: Craft Beer. Dirty Martini was #2

Sexiest Emoji: Lips. Fire was #2

Sexiest Color: Black. Red was #2

Sexiest Season: Fall. Summer was #2


Other things that were voted to be sexy:

Manscaping, Scruff, Tattoos, Pedicures, Glasses, Cologne

Voted to be NOT sexy:

Dad Bods, Sexting, Baby Talk, Man Buns, Speedos, Pumpkin Spice Lattes

Have a sexy, sexy weekend!


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