If you are giving up diet soda as part of a healthier 2016, good for you! No, really, it's good for you.

After reading this, you may want to step back from that can and enjoy an unsweetened iced tea instead!

  • The first issue is the artificial sweetener Aspartame that is used in diet sodas. It overwhelms your taste buds with sweetness and causes your brain to crave more sweetness! Aspartame ranks 200 times sweeter than sugar,and Splenda is 600 times sweeter!
  • You may have mistakenly thought that something labeled "diet" would help you lose weight. Not so with diet soda. A recent 9-year study showed that adults continued to pack on belly fat and that there was a link to metabolic syndrome, obesity and high blood pressure.
  • Your bone density will improve when you quit the D.S., and that's especially important for postmenopausal women who's chance of bone fracture increases by 14% because the soda weakens bones.
  • Some diet soda drinkers make bad food choices because they feel that they are cutting calories with what they are drinking so they feel they can eat the fries, cake or chips.
  • Here's something else that I didn't know, using diet soda as a mixer gets you drunk faster! When you mix it with alcohol your stomach empties out faster than it would if you had chosen regular soda, that causes a higher alcohol concentration. Boom! Hammer time! Club soda is your best option because it is naturally sugar and calorie free.
  • Processing diet soda also overworks the pancreas, which controls blood sugar levels. A study found that middle-aged men who drank 1 or more diet sodas every day were more likely to develop type 2 diabetes over 7 years.
  • Knocking off the diet soda will also improve the health of your kidneys. Working on all those unpronounceable diet soda ingredients is tough on your kidneys. An 11 year study found declining kidney function in women who drank 2 or more diet sodas a day. Kidneys are so important to your over all health! Let them get back to their job of stabilizing blood pressure, absorbing minerals and clearing toxins.

Are you addicted to diet soda? How many do you drink a day?  Comment on our Fan Page or tweet #dietsodabad

I'll take a tall, cold glass of Maine tap water.


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