An Absolute Gem: Someone Left A Used Tanning Booth On The Side Of The Road In Hollis
The old story goes in Maine, when the snow melts, you're likely to find ANYTHING underneath. Usually, that's said with a bit of jest, but if you live in Hollis, apparently that old saying is absolutely true.
Shared on Facebook by Tommy Stone, someone in Hollis decided it was a perfect time to decorate the roadside with their used tanning booth. As you can see in the photo, there's a slew of other items on the roadside with the tanning bed, so presumably, it's free for the taking.
And how thoughtful is this person in Hollis to consider that someone else in Maine might really need a tanning booth/bed for their home? Or perhaps someone could find another use for bright burning lights? Maybe an indoor garden? Either way, the person could have easily could have just tossed this in a dumpster somewhere and forgotten about it, but instead...BOOM! Set it up roadside and watch someone flea market flip it into something almost brand new.
We can't imagine a gem like this is going to last long sitting by the road, so time to scour the streets of Hollis and find some corner space in the garage to get your fake n' bake on. Mother would be very happy!
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