For the third time in the last 3 weeks, another large great white shark has been tracked into the waters off the coast of Maine. This time, it's the busy waters of Casco Bay, as a 12-foot mature great white shark named Bobby E pinged acoustic receivers between Jewell Island and Bailey Island.

Shared on Facebook by Sulikowski Shark and Fish Conservation Lab, the Arizona-based lab has been tracking Bobby E as he swum up the East Coast over the past few weeks. At the end of June, Bobby E was tracked right off the coast of Gloucester, Massachusetts, with researchers believing that he'd make his way to Maine at some point.

Maine seems to be on pace for a record-breaking number of great white shark visits in 2022. According to the Bangor Daily News, it's still considered a rarity to spot a great white off the coast of Maine, with the large sharks spending most of their time in deep water and away from the coast. Maine has averaged between 1 and 3 sightings per year over the last 5 years. But there's already been three different great white sharks that have been spotted or tracked in Maine waters this year, with plenty of time left with warm summer waters.

The Sulikowski Lab at Arizona State University has devoted itself to the study of sharks amongst other charismatic fish. The lab collects and studies data involving the movement patterns, reproductive biology, and the resistance to climate change from sharks. Their documented footage is a key resource for Discovery Channel's annual Shark Week event.

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