B98.5 - Central Maine's Country

Caught On Camera: Mainers Flipping On 4-Wheeler During News Broadcast
This is just crazy...and these 2 had angels watching over them, Sunday, when they were in a freak accident. And the incident was caught on camera by News Center Maine's, Samantha Sugerman.
While Sugerman was preparing for her news broadcast, in Norridgewock, when these two 'no-namers' appeared out of nowhere...

Maine High School Breaks Out With Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease
The homecoming football game has been cancelled at Scarborough High School due to an outbreak of hand, foot & mouth disease, according to WMTW.
The game was scheduled for today, September 28, against Massabesic High School, which reported "cases of Coxsackie virus, which causes hand, foot and mouth disease," according to WMTW.

Autumn Bucket List: Maine’s BEST Corn Mazes
We are quickly approaching one of the best seasons Maine has to offer. Autumn in Maine is truly beautiful...and with it comes lots of Fall family friendly activities to do with the kids. If you are looking for some suggestions, consider these aMAZEing corn mazes. Can you get through them all?

NewsCenter 6’s Keith Carson Gets Slammed For Wardrobe
This just appalls me, on so many levels. Apparently, Maine is inundated with Perfect Pattys'. These Perfect Pattys', themselves, are inundated with an endless amount of time on their hands...so much time...that they have the ability to write local weatherman, Keith Carson, about his clothing attire.

BREAKING: Gov. LePage Spent Night In Hospital
Saturday, Gov. Paul LePage was complaining of some discomfort which resulted in a trip the hospital.
According to the CentralMaine.com:
Gov. Paul LePage was taken by ambulance to a Bangor hospital after experiencing discomfort Saturday while visiting family in New Brunswick...
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Memorial Day And Beyond – Yard Sale Etiquette
This weekend will kick off yard sale season. Everyone is out looking for deals. One man's junk is another man's treasure (sometimes). But there are a lot of things that come to mind when I think about going to garage sales. So, take some of these etiquette rules into consideration...

ZIMA For Sale In Maine
Maine is selling ZIMA
NSFW: Waterville Man Tapes Himself In High Speed Chase
Waterville man tapes himself in high speed chase

Ride To The Retreat To Support Travis Mills Foundation
Help raise money for Travis Mills Foundation

10 Bad Things Come To The First Person Who Complains About Heat
Don't complain about the heat

Maine Moose Doesn’t Seem To Mind Long Winter
Maine Moose just strolling along

Your Car + Pothole = Who Pays For Damage In Maine
Who pays for pothole damage?

5 Events That Should Come To Maine…You Vote
5 Events That Should Come To Maine...You Vote

Maine Under Ice – 20 Years Later
It was, literally, something you had to see to believe. Pictures. Videos. Nothing could quite fully do it justice like seeing it in person.

6 Missing Children’s Cases In The State Of Maine – Let’s Not Forget Them
The number 6 might night seem like a lot to people. But in these cases...when it comes to children...even the number 1 is too much. According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, there are currently 6 kids missing dating all the way back to 1971. Maybe you can help.

Augusta Police Need Your Help ID’ing These ‘Could-Be’ Thieves
Innocent until proven guilty. Here's your chance to be a top notch detective. You could be the next Sherlock. It's all up to you now. So here it goes...The Augusta Police Dept. needs your help identifying the folks in these pictures. Can you do it?