Back to School With Whitesnake at Walmart! [VIDEOS]
Usually back to school commercials have me groaning and rolling my eyes. Not this one! I have the dull remnants of a Whitesnake buzz still moving through my system, thanks to their show on the Maine State Pier recently. Now I find myself in the awkward position of being jealous of these children...
Well done Walmart, well done. You hit the mothers who are back to school shopping for their kids right in the heart with this one.
Maybe hearing one of our favorite classic rock songs makes us feel comfortable enough to listen to the advertisers message and feel less like we are being marketed to. It could be that it's easier to buy these products, or at least listen to their pitch, if we feel that they are one of us, living similar lifestyles and enjoying the same things.
Here are some more classic rock songs that left a mark for advertisers:
Rolling Stones "Miss You"
Aerosmith "Dream On" 2005
Led Zeppelin "Rock N Roll"
Let's face it, the edginess of rock and roll makes any product sexier!
How do you feel about classic rock being used to peddle products? Comment on our Fan Page or tweet #likearock
I'll be back to school shopping today.
Here I go again.