Yesterday, I noticed a post online and it hit me hard. The phrase, Gender Fluidity arose in the 1980s but has been presented to us more thoroughly recently. Pronouns, Gender Fluidity, Cisgender, Sexual Fluidity, Transgender, LBGTQ +, etc, are some of the phrases that we've all become familiar with. I personally continue to try to enlighten and accustom myself to understand these in order to respect the wants and needs of others. But not everyone thinks that way.

"Gender fluidity refers to change over time in a person’s gender expression or gender identity, or both. That change might be in expression, but not identity, or in identity, but not expression. Or both expression and identity might change together."
Harvard Medical School
Auburn Mom, Nicole Haynes shared a post a couple of days ago revealing her daughter's preferred name. According to Nicole, this is a name she has gone by for close to 2 years. Teachers and friends only know her a Faye. Faye is in the 11th grade. The family has jumped on board respectfully, the last 6 months. Those who truly know Faye have been considerate of her request.
Nicole received warm and compassionate comments but unfortunately also received negative reactions and messages.
Furthermore, she was also unfriended by not just one, but a few people.
As a Mother, she is a very admirable and spirited person in my opinion because the way she responded reminded me that there are parents and people out there, specifically in Maine, who are willing to accept their child's request.
Nicole response to her initial announcement post and negative feedback was,
"Not only did I receive a couple not so nice messages, I was Un-friended by a few people. That part doesn’t matter to me, see ya later…what does matter is the fact that people have the audacity to judge a situation they know nothing about. To judge my child. Yes my daughter is gender fluid, she identifies as whoever the heck she wants to and loves the same way. I am not a bad parent for supporting her every step of the way, you are just an a**hole. That is all! "
Faye is an incredibly talented artist and that is what I see once I learned about her. Yes, I noticed Faye's gender but didn't focus on it. Faye's grandparents helped to raise her and her grandfather was conservative but has accepted her as who she is.
Nicole Haynes via Facebool
Nicole Haynes via Facebook

Nicole and Faye have an extremely close commendable relationship. On a personal note, I can sympathize with their experience. I am a woman, married to a woman, and telling my Mother was nerve-wracking but enlightening, she held me tight, kissed my forehead, and said, I love all of you Elizabeth. So it is very refreshing to see other parents with like-reactions.

Nicole via Facebook
Nicole via Facebook
Nicole reminds us all that, "if you don't know who you are deep down, how can you be happy?"
 "All we want for Faye is for her to continue being her authentic self. As her Mom, I know that’s where true success lies.  All I’ve ever wanted for my kids is for them to embrace their unique gifts and know who they are. "
Nicole Haynes, Facebook
Let us all take guidance from the Hayne's Family to simply be authentically and unapologetically you, always. Thank you to Nicole and Faye for allowing me to share their story to help raise awareness and enlighten others on humanity.
Speaking of authenticity, Check out Trashiest Fashion Show at Bates College!

The Trashiest Fashion Show in Maine Happens at Bates College

Bates College students put on a fashion show, but it wasn't like any other fashion show, they were literally wearing trash!
Lizzy Conquers Fears As She Towers Over Augustas Holiday Tree

Lizzy Conquers Fears As She Towers Over Augustas Holiday Tree

The official delivery and dropping of the holiday tree into Hay Square was this past weekend. Lizzy went up into the bucket truck to help and Matt was her foreman. The Grinch also made a troublesome appearance!

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