Casper (1995)

1995 was a simpler time, especially for millennials. Many were still in the earliest years of school and the iconic "spooky" movie, Casper was released.

If you haven't seen the film since the '90s you may have forgotten that the film and the haunted home, "Whipstaff Manor", takes place in Friendship, Maine.

There are also a few Maine references in the movie such as the iconic Maine lobster license plate of the past making an appearance and Kat referencing Stephen King upon seeing Whipstaff Manor for the first time. And while not explicitly Maine, but appropriate for our winters, (*SPOILER ALERT*) Casper did die after going sledding late into the cold evening and developing pneumonia.

Friendship, Maine

Now, anyone familiar with Friendship, Maine knows that it definitely wasn't filmed there. Friendship is a small fishing town and honestly, quite easy to miss while you're driving through.

That doesn't mean the state of Maine didn't get any on-screen love, though. A nearby town did get some camera time to give the movie that genuine coastal Maine feel. About 25 miles up the coast from Friendship, the ever picturesque, Camden, Maine.

Getty Images/iStockphoto
Getty Images/iStockphoto


Unfortunately, it doesn't look like young Christina Ricci or her film-dad Bill Pullman ever made the trek to the Maine coast for filming. According to TheCinemaholic, Whipstaff Manor was largely built on sets.

The Cinemaholic also revealed a great fun fact though, the main area of Whipstaff Manor had a creepy swirly floor. (Which was perfect for the Halloween dance from the film.) But that same floor can be seen somewhere else from the '90s as well.

A Backstreet Boys music video. (Alright!)

If you'd like to relive the magic of Casper and see if you can spot Camden, Maine, Casper is part of Freeform's 31 Nights of Halloween and will be airing at 4:45 pm on Halloween day.

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