Giant Snake Sighting in Westbrook?
The Westbrook Police Department has gotten a report of a snake "as long as truck" with a "head the size of a soccer ball" seen near Riverbank Park. The idea of a monster slithering around by the Presumpscot is sorta terrifying, right? Maybe it's just psyched to see David Coverdale on Sunday night?
From the Westbrook Police Department's Facebook Page: We have received a legitimate report concerning a very large snake present at the Riverbank Park. The report was the snake is as long as a truck and the head the size of a soccer ball. The snake was reportedly observed on the riverbank to the rear of the playground on both the Main St and Brown St side of the river. Obviously this is not an animal indigenous to Maine, so one would assume it was released. Perhaps some recall the viper located on a Saco pedestrian trail back in 2010. Our Animal Control Police Officer's have checked the area with no luck in spotting the animal. Should anyone observe the snake please give us a call and do not attempt to capture it yourself. 854-0644 Ex1 for dispatch.…/deadly-african-snake-turns-up…/
The absolute best part of this story is this guy's hilarious comment right here.