Here’s Just How Dry It’s Been in Maine in the Past Month
We hope you're ready for some hot weather in the next couple of days. We're looking at '80s and 90 degree high temps. Summer in Maine! Our friends at the National Weather Service over there in Gray found this interesting tidbit. We know it's been pretty dry the past couple of weeks but we had no idea just HOW dry!
From the US National Weather Sevice in Gray:
"Here's a look at the total precipitation at our climate locations from May 16 through yesterday, June 16. This year has been the driest on record for this period at all locations. Typically late spring tends to be the wettest time of year in terms of number of rainy days, but 2020 has bucked that trend."
Yup, driest on record! Look at the "normal" ranges below. We are wayyyyy below that for this time of year. I wonder if that means we are gonna get soaked all July. You know what they say. If you don't like the weather in Maine...
If you're headed out camping the next couple of days, please be aware of the fire danger. It's "high" in many parts of the state. And keep an eye on it because if it continues to stay this dry, we could see some "very high" or "extreme" areas.
How Dry Is It? OK, here come the bad jokes...
It's so dry that Maine birds are building their nests out of barbed wire.
It's so dry that Maine catfish are carrying canteens.
It's so dry in Maine that the fire hydrants are chasing the dogs around.