How About Drive-In Graduation Ceremonies For Maine?
With the final months of the 2020 school year in Maine spent distance-learning from home, a huge loss has come along with that for our high school seniors. There won't be any commencement ceremonies in the beginning of June to celebrate their completion and achievement.
We see lawn signs in front yards as parents display pride for their kids in the Class of '20. Those signs are of course terrific to see, but how can we do more to give them something close to an actual graduation day?
Well how about this idea from Kansas City, Kansas?
According to an article from Fox 4,
"KCK Public Schools has a plan to make sure its 2020 seniors are recognized. “This year’s graduation is headed to the movies,” the district announced Tuesday."
Fox 4 also stated that,
"The district will have six nights of ceremonies at the local drive-in, featuring graduates’ names on the big screen."
Wouldn't this be an amazing way for Maine families and educators to honor our graduates? Maybe colleges and universities could do this too?
Drive-ins theaters are included as one of the businesses allowed to open as of of today (May 1) according to Phase 1 of Restarting Maine's Economy.
We've counted at least 6 drive-ins in our state from as far south as Saco and as far north as Madawaska.
This is certainly something we might want to consider doing for our kids like the good folks in Kansas.
Check out this awesome KCK Public Schools announcement this week that "this year's graduation is headed to the movies."