How Could This Beautiful Maine Dog Be Waiting Nearly 300 Days for a Forever Home?
Dogs truly are a human's best friend. They're loyal to their bones and add so much love into your everyday life.
Here's a good boy ready for adoption from the Kennebec Valley Humane Society who could be your own new best friend named Chevy.
Here's what the animal shelter had to say in a recent Facebook post:
Chevy is 100% soul-mate material. Can you believe he's been waiting to find a forever home for almost 300 days?
Look at this adorable little squish nose! How can you just scroll past him?!
His profile on KVHS's website states that he is an older pup at around 9 years old but that he can't "get enough attention or cuddles on the couch" and enjoys meeting new people on walks through the neighborhood.
Choosing to welcome my own pup into my home three years ago was the most rewarding thing I've ever done in my life. It's true when they tell you dogs know everything. When I'm sad, my Maverick will lay his head on me to give me comfort. When I'm happy, Mav will adapt to the energy and make me even more happy by jumping around.
Look at this perfect furry face ready to greet me with a tail wag whenever I get home from a long day:
If you've been debating back and forth whether or not you should welcome a pup into your home, this is your sign to add more value to your life, and go for it!
Let's help Chevy get that forever home that he deserves. If it's not your time to adopt this little man, let's help his story get out.
Adopting a dog in need is one of the most rewarding things you can do for not only yourself but the fur baby. It will create a beautiful bond between you two, I promise.