Why did the turtle cross the road? Probably to get back to their nesting site!

Not my best material, but it happens to be true. It's turtle-crossing season!

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Did you know one of the most significant threats to turtle populations in the Granite State is being struck by vehicles on roadways? According to NH Fish and Game, male turtles may travel over land to different wetlands and upland basking areas in search of food and breeding.

The article goes on to explain that the mature female turtles leave their home ponds every spring to lay their eggs, sometimes traveling distances of over one mile. Then they return to the same nesting location each year. This annual journey often means that turtles need to cross roads to reach their destinations

NH Fish and Game put out this friendly reminder on Instagram this week:

As you're zipping down these New Hampshire roads with your windows down and singing an off-key rendition of "I Had Some Help" by Posty and Morgan Wallen, don't forget about the turtles. They could be crossing the street at their slowed turtle-ish pace, and if you are being a little speed demon, you could squash that turtle (who is most likely a mother). Don't be that person!

Also,  NH Fish and Game suggests if you see a turtle crossing a road, help it cross in the direction it is traveling (if it is safe for you to do so). However, be sure to never create a dangerous situation for yourself or other drivers.

Do you brake for turtles? Have you ever helped on across the road?

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Gallery Credit: Megan