Little Peters Friggin’ Huntin’, Guy [VIDEO]
Maine viral star, Justin 'Little' Peters is back after his on-stage debut with comedian Bob Marley in Orono last month. Did his new found success in a live setting change him at all?
I'd say nosuh. He's still Little Peters being Little Peters, living the simple life in the woods of Northern Maine. If you're Little Peters, what do you do after you make a live audience laugh as a guest of Maine's King of Comedy? Well, put on yer orange hat, hop in the truck and go huntin' of course. He starts his Words of Wisdom saying, "I tell ya what, I've been livin' in Maine for seven-teen-years." with the cadence of Mainer 4 times his age. He goes on to explain how frustrated he gets riding around all day and doesn't see any birds. Go ahead give it a look-see and have a chuckle.
By the way, word is that Justin will be joining Bob Marley again onstage in the near future! Stay tuned!
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