Maine Artists are Stars On Etsy! Meet Bohemechic from So.Po.!
I am an Etsy addict. Etsy is an e-commerce website where sellers have their own personal storefronts. You can find a huge range of items, from handmade jewelry, fine arts, foodie goodies, tutorials, photography and vintage everything to craft supplies for just about any hobby! I find most of my crafting supplies there and I'm building my own site right now.
Let me introduce you to Kate Vintage. She's a cool cat from South portland and she creates the most fantastic jewelry. I have favorited her shop and she is the first of many profiles that I will be doing on Maine Etsy artists.
Kate's site is called bohemechic. My favorite pieces by her are her beach sand jewelry! She collects sand from all of our favorite Maine beaches and captures them under glass, turning them into wonderful momentos for summer visitors and local beach bums.
I am obsessed with this ring.
How sweet is this necklace?!
Check out Kate's shop, bohemechic, and support our talented Maine artists on Etsy!
If you have an Etsy shop that you would like to have featured, email me at
Rock on Kate!