Serious Chiefs Fans in Mechanic Falls Living Large in Patriot Nation
Well, there's one couple who will be watching the actual game Sunday.
We all know that the Super Bowl (LVII) this year doesn't have our beloved New England Patriots. But for one couple in Mechanic Falls, they couldn't be happier to see their Kansas City Chiefs!
Sean grew up as a Chiefs fan and even though he is in clear Patriot territory, his love hasn't subsided. Heck, once he met his wife (and converted her) his love has only grown. Now he has a partner for his obsession. She's all in too!
They started going to the Kansas City Chiefs training camp in 2005 and now make the annual trip. They have gotten to know the players and they love to see their 'Maine friends' at camp. Sean really sealed the deal with his artistic talent. He has drawn caricatures of all the players and has them signed. Oh don't worry, he's made duplicates so that each player has one too.
You can't be a true sports fan (short for fantastic) without having a room dedicated to your team. The Garneau's do not disappoint. Their love of the Chiefs includes all things Chiefs and well, that might take up a wall to start but it quickly expands.
It's a gorgeous room that makes even a Chiefs hater kinda soft for the team. Danielle and Sean have given me a team to root for. (plus, how obnoxious are those Eagle fans anyway?)
I didn't care about the Super Bowl because the Pats weren't playing. But I've changed my tune thanks to Sean and Danielle. I mean, this is Danielle and the Chief's coach Andy Reid!
When asked who her favorite player is, she says
It used to be our punter Dustin Colquitt. His first camp was the first time we went. In his last year with the Chiefs, we won the Super Bowl. He always called me his Maine wife. We were close to him.
She wasn't kidding about the 'wife' part.
Sean and Danielle know how to love a team to their core. Seans is way more into the football part and Danielle loves the social part of it having partied with players when training camp was smaller. But still, they are famous among the Chiefs for their undying love of the team...and they are Mainers. If you are looking for a team to root for, root for Sean and Danielle's team.
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