It's no secret that I am a Craigslist troller! I have my categories that I check out every day, and I've found my fair share of low price treasure. But things get sketchy when it comes to the actual exchange of cash for goods. It makes me nervous to be meeting with a stranger, and there have been enough instances of robbery, assault and fraud to cause concern. Thanks to the South Portland Police Department, that is one less anxiety for me to deal with because they are now offering their front parking lot and lobby for Craigslist exchanges! You don't have to live in the city of South Portland to take advantage of this "safety zone".  The police say they can't guarantee that an item for sale is authentic, nor do they offer a "absolute guarantee" of safety. That said, it's a Police Department complete with the advantage of being a well-lit public area that is sometimes staffed and is recording video 24/7.

If you are selling or buying online, make your transaction as safe as possible!


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