
Death Outside One City Center Ruled a Homicide
Death Outside One City Center Ruled a Homicide
Death Outside One City Center Ruled a Homicide
The death outside our One City Center studios on Sunday morning has been ruled a homicide by the Portland Police Department. Dead is Sunao Thomas Yamada. Yamada was found on the Temple street side of our building early Sunday morning.
R.I.P. PFD Capt. Michael Kucsma
R.I.P. PFD Capt. Michael Kucsma
R.I.P. PFD Capt. Michael Kucsma
An off-duty Portland firefighter who died Monday during a scuba diving accident in Casco Bay is being mourned by the Portland Fire Department and city officials, according to WMTW. The Portland television news station reported that the body of Capt...