Our first ever Ugly Sweater Party on Friday night at Ocean Gateway in Portland provided hundreds of people with a festive night of music, dancing, Sam Adams beer, and a chance to show off their creative holiday sweaters.
This is the "before" picture of the ladies' Ugly Christmas sweater that I will be working on over the next few days. It's ugly, I guess... But I've got a grander plan for this sweater! There will be lights and ornaments and maybe even some emergency chocolate added to this stunner! While I'm at it, I will also decorate a man's sweater. Yes, his and hers completely tacky, ugly holiday swe
As if the holidays weren't hectic enough with Thanksgiving right on the doorstep and this crazy thing called Christmas shopping that's on a mission to devour our sanity. If you still need an ugly holiday sweater to come to our Ugly Sweater Party in Portland on Dec. 5, there is one store that works for guys and gals.
This is probably the most fun assignment that I've been given, to make ugly holiday sweaters for listeners! Being a frustrated fashion designer, I jumped right in. I petted the dogs good bye, zipped my jacket and began at my go-to place for all things fabulous-the Dollar Store...
When it comes to ugly holiday sweaters, the sky's the limit when it comes to tackiness. In honor of our Ugly Sweater Party at Ocean Gateway in Portland on Dec. 5, we want you to help us determine the ugliest holiday sweaters by taking our poll...
If you have already made up your mind that you are coming to our Ugly Sweater Party at Ocean Gateway in Portland on Dec. 5, you are probably finding out that finding the perfect holiday sweater is a real hassle.
No worries. Fortunately, Portland has plenty of places where you can go to buy tons of Christmas swag to create as grotesque and as over the top an ugly Christmas sweater as you want...
When it comes to ugly holiday sweaters, the sky's the limit when it comes to tackiness. In honor of our Ugly Sweater Party at Ocean Gateway in Portland on Dec. 5, we want you to help us determine the ugliest holiday sweaters by taking our poll...
When it comes to ugly holiday sweaters, the sky's the limit when it comes to tackiness. In honor of our Ugly Sweater Party at Ocean Gateway in Portland on Dec. 5, we want you to help us determine the ugliest holiday sweaters by taking our poll.
Oh Yeah. Layin' down some boy-band love for the holiday sweater! Thanks guys.
If you are looking for inspiration, or you flat out are looking to purchase your ugly holiday sweater, here are some great web sites!
Get your sweater lit and join us for libations and merriment at our Ugly Holiday Sweater Party...
If you are looking for inspiration, or you flat out just want to PAY for your sweater, check out My Ugly Christmas Sweater, Inc.
You will probably only wear your's when you come to our awesome party at Ocean Gateway in Portland on Dec...
We're getting ready for THE Holiday Party of the Season...our Ugly Sweater Party on December 5th. This will be a great way for all of us to get to hang out with all of you and say THANKS for another amazing year on the Blimp. We are finding so many ugly sweaters out there...
I will admit that these sweaters need a little bit more "ridiculous" before they are entirely ready for our Ugly Sweater Party on December 5 at Ocean gateway in Portland! I plan on breaking out my hot glue gun and L.E.D. lights to add a bit more "interest" to them...