Conrad Heyer was a Mainah! The Maine Historical Society tells us he was the first non-native child born in Waldoboro, Maine around 1749, a whopping 267 years ago.

Not only did Conrad fight in the American Revolution and cross the Delaware River with George Washington, he made history when he was 103 years old, becoming the earliest-born person ever known to be photographed. While this certainly isn't the earliest photograph or daguerreotype to have been created, Mr. Hayer's age at the time of the photo almost certainly makes him the earliest-born person to ever be captured on film.

The photograph above, in the collection of the Maine Historical Society, is a daguerreotype (early photograph) made in the year 1852. Not only is Mr. Heyer the earliest-born person ever photographed, he also holds the honor of being the only person who served with George Washington at Valley Forge to live long enough to sit for a photo.

Priscilla Frank at the Huffington Post had this to say about Conrad:

The gripping photograph, aside from its American historical significance, captures the intensity of an individual who, even at 103, maintains an intimidating dignity and presence. We can feel the unflinching power of his piercing gaze from the comfort of our desks, all these years later."


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