During the War of 1812, Captain James Fairfield was captured by the British. He later built a home in which he died.

And now, you can stay there!

It may seem like a strange deal, but according to the website Thrillist, the James Fairfield House is one of the most haunted hotels in the U.S., and the single-most haunted hotel in all of Maine.

Supposedly, visitors have seen his ghost admiring his own portrait on the main floor. That's a shame, because it’s bad enough to have a ghost haunting you, but a vain ghost??

Fairfield’s spirit is also said to haunt the basement of his former home. So if there’s flooding, look out!

The Captain apparently built the house as a wedding present for his wife, who evidently didn’t love it all that much, as her spirit has not been spotted by visitors.

But Fairfield’s portrait is actually the key to the supernatural side of this story. Commissioned by the captain himself, the portrait was found in excellent shape, but floating in the ocean...several years after his death. Dun, dun, duuuuuun!

Sightings of the Captain go all the way back to the 1980s when the house was remodeled into an inn, according to the site Oddins.com.

Thrillist compiled the list, which features the scariest hotels and inns in each U.S. State, including a supposedly spooky hotel in New Hampshire. But even Thrillist admits that the Fairfield house isn't particularly haunted.

So while he may be vain, at least the Captain is a friendly ghost.

To see the full list, visit Thrillist.

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