This is the Most Haunted Hotel in New Hampshire
You know the old expression: the first time a hotel burns down, it’s a problem.
The second time a hotel burns down, it’s a trend.
The third time a hotel burns down, it makes Thrillist’s list of most haunted hotels in the nation. It also lands atop all hotels in the Granite State for most reported supernatural activity.
Such is the story of the Tilton Inn in Tilton, New Hampshire. During its 150-year existence, the hotel has been the scene of numerous paranormal sightings, most of a 12-year-old girl named Laura who apparently haunts the Sanborn Room.
But don’t worry; she doesn't have a twin, which would make her extra spooky.
However, it appears guests at the Tilton Inn are relatively unbothered by the hotel’s fiery past. It has 4.5 rating on TripAdvisor, giving it a final score of “Excellent.”
Said one review, “This place is excellent. I really enjoyed everything about it. My only regret is that since I was in town for a wedding and the various festivities associated with that, that I did not get to spend more time in their nice bar and restaurant area.”
Is the bartender named Lloyd, by any chance?
Another said: “A charming inn staffed by hardworking, caring staff all with a quirky sense of humor!”
But are they laughing…or cackling?
The town of Tilton itself has a population of 4,000 people, per the 2020 census. The town, located along the Winnipesaukee River, appears no different than any other small New Hampshire town.
So, I guess that ghost of a 12-year-old child is very, very scary.
To see the list, which includes a haunted hotel in Maine, visit Thrillist to see if your favorite haunt made the cut.