Check Out Pink Floyd’s Halloween Treat & Grace Slick’s How Old?
Floyd's Halloween treat -- A day of Grace -- A ? hits No. 1 -- Happy Halloween Eve and enjoy today's Rocktober 30th Coffee Break Calendar if you dare...
10/30/1971 (49 years ago today) - Perfect time of year to release this one: Pink Floyd unleash their sixth studio LP "Meddle", which opens with the classic eerie/creepy (mostly) instrumental "One Of These Days" and features the unbelievable 23-minute epic spookfest "Echoes" (which takes up all of Side 2) -- To complete the sense of unnerving weirdness, there's the album cover photo, taken by Floyd pal Bob Dowling, of a human ear, underwater, collecting waves of sound represented by ripples in the water. Far-out, man!
10/30/1939 - She started out as a model, you know...: Happy Birthday Grace Slick, 81 years old today -- Born Grace Barnett Wing in Highland Park, Illinois, her family moved to the San Francisco area in the late 1950's and it wouldn't take long for Grace to find her calling -- In August 1965, she hooked up with a band called The Great Society, for whom she composed and performed the legendary "White Rabbit"; before the year was out, bassist Jack Casady (of up-and-coming scene-stealers Jefferson Airplane) asked Grace to replace their just departed female singer -- This "new" line-up of the Airplane goes in to record the infamous psychedelic classic LP "Surrealistic Pillow", and it's rock stardom and a place in music history from this moment on -- In 1969 the band appears on "The Dick Cavett Show", the highlight of which is Grace becoming the first person to say "mothertf---er" on TV (during a performance of "We Can Be Together"). Fact: Grace never ever cared what anybody thought of her, like a true icon should. Bravo!!! Check out this 1998 interview on the Donny & Marie talk show (!?!?) for Grace's takes on Frank Zappa, Jim Morrison and Jimi Hendrix:
10/30/1982 (38 years ago today) - We're trying to remember why this record was such a mega-selling-big-friggin'-deal, but we can't come up with anything: Australian import Men At Work hit No. 1 on the U.S. chart with "Who Can It Be Now" -- The album it was on, "Business As Usual", was also No. 1, remaining there for 15 weeks in a row, a record at the time for a debut album.
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"Feed your head...", xoxo!