Unusual Maine Roadside Toilet Attraction Seeks Colorful Commodes
My son Carter recently bought a home in Avon near Farmington. My wife Sherry and I were up there a couple weekends ago for a visit. As we were driving along on Route 4, we passed by a surprising and funny site on the side of the road. It was quite an impressive collection of toilets! We of course slowed the car down to get a better look. What we didn't do was snap any photos. Sherry and I had a good laugh about it and went on our merry way down the road to our son's house.
Luckily Stephanie Rackliffe took a couple pics and posted them to Facebook so you can see what I'm talking about for yourself. The toilets appear to be out there growing like big mushrooms among the trees.
A closer look reveals a welcoming sign aptly identifying the location as Flushing Springs. Apparently,
they'd like make sure we all know that there is a least one resident named Senior Shitterson.
Well the story continues as today at Blimp we received a message from the person responsible for this funny roadside display paying tribute to the porcelain thrones. Her name is Terri White of Avon.
Terri wrote to us through the WBLM app saying,
"I am the owner of Flushing Springs!!! Would love different color toilets to add to my collection. Urinals and wall mount toilets are welcome!!!"
Geezum, I kinda wish we held on to our baby blue toilet after we remolded our bathroom. I bet they'd have loved it at Flushing Springs and we could enjoy seeing our old potty on the side of the road every time we went up to visit family.
I gave Terri a call today and confirmed that she would in fact appreciate any donations from fellow Mainers of old toilets or urinals. So if you've got and old pink, yellow, or blue one like I used to have in my bathroom, send Terri an email at prwphotos2@yahoo.com.
Let's get Flushing Springs bursting with color this summer!