Westbrook PD Asking Public to Stay Off New Treyjon Arsenault Memorial Basketball Courts
Westbrook Police are asking residents to stay off the newly-renovated basketball court near Warren Pool. The courts have been dedicated to the memory of Treyjon Arsenault, who was shot and killed outside a recording studio in Portland's Old Port in May.
From the Westbrook PD:
"As many of you know, the basketball courts by the Warren Pool are being completely renovated and dedicated in the memory of Treyjon Arsenault. The contractor is reporting issues with bicyclists riding on the newly painted courts. The paint and asphalt is not fully 'cured', therefore the bikes are scratching up the surface."
"The Police Department will continue to patrol the area to deter this behavior, but we are asking for the public's help. These aren't just any old basketball courts; these courts are a memorial to Treyjon, and a lot of groups and individuals donated money to get them renovated. Please help us by staying off the basketball courts, so the City can have a beautiful place to shoot hoops".
Arsenault was a graduate of Westbrook High School, where he played baseball, hockey and football. He could often be seen playing pick-up basketball by Fraser Field. There is a plaque near the new courts dedicated to Treyjon. Kudos to the community groups that came together to raise the funds to make this project happen. They include, Cornelia Warren Community Association, the Westbrook Environmental Improvement Corp., the city’s Recreation and Conservation Commission, and the wonderful friends and family of Treyjon