You’ll Do A Doubletake Looking at These Maine Vanity Plates
What is it with us crazy Mainers? We seem like a pretty mellow bunch. Not flashy. We mind our own business. We are friendly but not overfriendly. We share but we don't overshare. EXCEPT, for some reason when it comes to our license plates. Then we let our freak flags fly and tell the world literally everything about us and our beliefs. I mean, WOW. And the King of Maine Vanity Plates, Morgan continues to collect the good, the bad and the ugly. Believe it or not, Mainers can put ANYTHING on their license plate and you could definitely say we abuse the privilege. Many of the REALLY bad ones we can't put in this article, but if you check out Morgan's Instagram page, it won't take too long for you to scroll down and find something really naughty or completely distasteful. I just don't get it. It just not like us!
Anyhoo, here are some of the ones we CAN show you.
This one took a second but we got it. With a shout out to Huey Lewis!
You can learn a lot about a person from their license plate.
This is a good one. I bet you can hear this car about a mile away because they have Enter Sandman cranked!
Again this one took a second but we figured it out. Sorry, bub, you're in Patriots Country.
And our winner and head-scratcher of the week. How did this happen? Please stay far far away from this dude.