Bruce Springsteen had allegedly taken just one shot of tequila prior to being pulled over and charged with a DWI. On Nov. 14, the singer-songwriter was reportedly riding his motorcycle in Sandy Hook, N.J., when he was recognized by some fans who asked him to pull over and take some pictures.

“Bruce stopped, took the pictures, then a fan offered him a shot of liquor, which he took, while sitting on his bike, which was stationary,” an unnamed source close to Springsteen reported to the New York Post. “Park Police saw what happened and they immediately pulled Springsteen over as he drove away.”

The Post’s report has not yet been verified by law-enforcement officials. However, the story would seem to align with a separate piece by Asbury Park Press that claimed Springsteen’s blood alcohol level was 0.02 at the time of his arrest - a quarter of the legal limit in New Jersey.

Springsteen was charged with DWI, reckless driving and consuming alcohol in a closed area. Because the incident took place on federal land, the case will be heard in federal court.

Despite happening months ago, news of the charges against Springsteen came to light only early this week. In the wake of the allegations, a commercial for Jeep, narrated by and featuring Springsteen, was pulled from YouTube. The spot, which premiered during the Super Bowl and called for a reunification of America, was the first advertisement of his career.

“It would be inappropriate for us to comment on the details of a matter we have only read about and we cannot substantiate,” a Jeep representative said in a statement. “But it’s also right that we pause our Big Game commercial until the actual facts can be established. [The commercial's] message of community and unity is as relevant as ever. As is the message that drinking and driving can never be condoned.”


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