I met a stranger at four in the morning on the 4th of July in 2021 at the Portland Emergency Vet...

Although this happened almost two years ago, I have thought of that night often and the dog and man I saw. I was there because Casco, my sweet dog had a UTI and needed medication. I waited about 4 hours, but I was more than willing because it wasn't a huge emergency.


It was around 4 in the morning when I saw a car pull into the parking lot and a stretcher met the car. A large dog was loaded onto the stretcher in the pouring rain and because of Covid, we were restricted to staying outside under an awning - with masks on. That's where I met a distraught man who was so worried about his dog. His dog was a large Bernese Mountain Dog. I rubbed this stranger's arm as I told him I hoped his dog would be okay. We both shed some tears through our masks, as it rained in the early hours of the 4th of July. But then I had to go with Casco who came out ready to go home. I have always wondered what happened to this man and his dog. He reached out to me recently.

Stuart Mohoney
Stuart Mohoney

This is Stuart and Bear. Stuart and his wife Brittany moved here from Wisconsin. His wife is a resident physician at Maine Medical Center, and she was on an away rotation in Bar Harbor that week. Stuart noticed Bear not feeling well, but figured he just needed to sleep and would be better in the morning. But Bear didn't get better and Stuart noticed that his back legs had given out. He knew he needed to get his sweet Bear to the Portland Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Care in Portland. But since he works remotely, they were down to one car and that one car was in Bar Harbor. He was able to get an Uber and he went to PVEC. That's where I met Stuart and watched as Bear was loaded onto a stretcher.

Stuart Mohoney
Stuart Mohoney

I had imagined in my head a happy ending for the sweet dog, but Stuart let me know what happened...

Between my wife not being there, not being able to go inside, and the crappy weather, those were some of the worst 2 hours of my life. We of course got the worst news as well, as the vet told us that he likely had a tumor on his spinal column, and my wife and I made the hardest decision ever to say goodbye to our Berner Bear.

I know that a lot of people had become invested in the story of the stranger and the sweet dog and wanted to know the outcome. Our hearts go out to Stuart, Brittany, and Bear.

Stuart Mohoney
Stuart Mohoney

Stuart and Brittany loved their Berner Bear...

He was the best dog anyone could ask for. He loved snuggles, people, other dogs, and of course being from Wisconsin, he loved cheese! For over 8 years, we were lucky to have him in our lives.

Stuart also mentioned that it was nice to cross paths with me on a rainy night during Covid restricted times. And of course, the PVEC staff were amazing and very kind throughout the whole process.

Stuart and Brittany have another Bernese Mountain Dog Buckley who is happy and healthy. Thank you Stuart for reaching out to me - it means more to me than you know.

RANKED: Here Are the 63 Smartest Dog Breeds

Does your loyal pup's breed make the list? Read on to see if you'll be bragging to the neighbors about your dog's intellectual prowess the next time you take your fur baby out for a walk. Don't worry: Even if your dog's breed doesn't land on the list, that doesn't mean he's not a good boy--some traits simply can't be measured.

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