44,000 Mainers May Lose Their Food Stamps44,000 Mainers May Lose Their Food StampsBecause of a proposed rule change by the federal government, you may see your SNAP (supplemental nutrition assistance program) benefits revoked.Matt JamesMatt James
Mainers, Should Food Stamps Pay for Pet Food? [POLL]Mainers, Should Food Stamps Pay for Pet Food? [POLL]Mainers, Should Food Stamps Pay For Pet Food? [POLL]CelesteCeleste
On Food Stamps And Lost Your Fridge And Freezer Food? Read This!!!On Food Stamps And Lost Your Fridge And Freezer Food? Read This!!!The wind storm knocked out power to hundreds of thousands of Mainers, some of who feed their families through food stamps. Many lost all of the food in their refrigerator and freezer and can't afford to replace it.CelesteCeleste