This guy sings With a Little Help from My Friends at a past Hallowell Woodstock Revival. It’s local singer/songwriter, Mike Rancourt and he absolutely nails an impersonation of the late, great Joe Cocker. Longtime Blimpsters will remember Mike’s band, Buffalo Chip Tea from back in the day.
Your friends at the Blimp are putting together an amazing radio event to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Woodstock this month. To make sure it's amazing and all the more special, we need to hear from Blimpsters who actually there on Yasgur's Farm in 1969.
Scared that 400,000 might die as power cable disintegrated, scared that crowd might riot if the music stopped, festival organizers prepared to take their own lives.
Official celebration for festival's golden anniversary reportedly scrapped after investors doubt it "can be executed as an event worthy of the Woodstock brand name."