WARNING: It Won’t be Long Before The Maine Leaf Peeper Invasion
Yessuh. I saw a burst of red on maple just the other day while driving down East Bridge Street in Westbrook.
Maybe you've noticed some trees are already beginning to change too. The summer visitors have gone home to Jersey or Connecticut or wherevah.
Their cottages are all closed up for the season. And now as the colorful foliage starts to emerge, we locals brace ourselves for the next round of invaders.
Fall in New England officially arrives on Monday September 23. With absolutely no lack of trees around here, the tourists sure do love to make our neck of the woods a special autumnal destination.
"Who are these mysterious strangers? Where do they come from? And why do they drive around New England aimlessly taking photographs of trees? Visit http://frostheaves.com for more nonsense."
New Hampshire humorist, Fred Marple got some neighbors together in the underappreciated town of Frost Heaves.
They put together this wicked funny video of foliage zombies a few years back. We can relate for sure.
This may be more terrifying than horror movie this season...Beware the LEAF PEEPERS!
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