What do You Want You Significant Other To Be For Halloween?
Can we be real for a minute here? Halloween is spicy. It's hot. All that dress up and wickedness can really light a match. I know you know what I'm sayin'. Having your man dress as someone else who happens to be super sexy, like Jack Sparrow, a high paid doctor or a male dancer, can be delish. Guys, ditch those scary, gory costumes if you're trying to hook up. Unless your gal has a clown fetish, the monster from "It" is out of the question. No matter how cute you are under all of that horrifying make up you will still seem like a total creeper! From the looks of the sales of that particular costume, the ladies will have slim pickings this year. For the guys dressed as Tarzan it will be like shooting fish in a barrel to chat up the Queen of Dragons. You may have guessed from my feature image that I would like Mark to be an 80's guy. He has a sleeveless Def Lep shirt but I can't talk him into the wig. Yet. Girls dress so much sexier at Halloween, it's a fact. Is it for the men, or because they get to break loose and be that girl? Personally, back in the day it was thrilling to wave my freak flag.
Fantasize for a minute. Who would you like your significant other to dress up as this Halloween? Comment on our Facebook Fan Page.
See you at The Spirit of Portland Saturday the 28th! Get your tickets NOW!