Will Chess Be a New Olympic Sport?! [POLL]
- Could it really happen? An Olympic sport who's uniform includes a tie?! Maybe! The deadline has just passed for the consideration of new Olympic events for the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo. There were 26 proposals, including Chess and Tug of War!
These are British soldiers in 1943 training with a Tug of War exercise. It was a thing! It was also an Olympic sport until 1943. Don't call it a come back! Other surprises, (at least to me), include Ball Room Dancing, Bowling and Ultimate Frisbee. There are some that aren't even vaguely familiar sounding like Korfball and Orienteering. The new entries with the best chance of being accepted are baseball and softball.
Should Chess be an Olympic sport? Take our poll!
I think that Belly Dancing should be an Olympic sport. You in?