You Gotta See And Hear The Unholy Cries of These Maine Cats [VIDEO]
Seriously though. Don't listen alone in the dark to this wailing dispute between to cats up in Rockwood. This is the stuff of nightmares. Some folks checked into Gray Ghost Camps for Memorial Day weekend and when they headed out on an adventure in hopes maybe seeing a moose, they came across something else you don't witness every day.
Two cats were in the middle of the road going back and forth in a language straight from hell. Maybe this is how the "Gray Ghost" is summoned from beyond the grave. Wonder if the guests who saw and heard these not-of-this-earth-sounding creatures had a good night's sleep after this encounter?
Here's the description from the Gray Ghost Camps Facebook page;
"Cabin 9 checked in yesterday with hopes of their fishing trip being memorable this Memorial weekend. At sunset, they went out for a drive. On the lookout to spot a moose they came across a real live cat fight. Now this is a fishing tale to be told for a lifetime. Thanks to the Lelands for sharing their Maine experience with us. 📷 Patrick Leland"