Maine Lobstahman Loses It When He Sees A Rainbow With Porpoise [NSFW]
Our good buddy Teagan Wright is back on the ocean again, He's doin' his wicked Mainah "Sternman" charactah checkin' in from a lobstah boat upta Hahpswell. The Sternman is all wound up cuz Mutha Natchah can't seem to make up her mind lately. It's stormy on one side of the boat and sunny on the other.
The one good thing to come from this bipolar weather is he spots an ocean rainbow! As if the rainbow wasn't enough to get excited about, a friggin' porpoise jumps through it! Unfortunately, we can't really see these ocean wonders in the video.
So, we'll just have to take his word for it and share in the joy of the Sternman losin' his sh*t over the sighting! He also takes us to the bait cooler and introduces us to the "Rabbi Lobstah lookin' to snip some peckahs!"
WARNING: This video is wicked funny and you may lose your ass from laughing. The Sterman also uses very salty language so it's not safe for the office.
Watch the next episode of Teagan's Maine travel/adventure show From Away this Saturday night at 7:30 on Maine's CW WPXT.