Wicked Funny: A Dirty Joke Delivered So Very Maine [NSFW]
Bryan Gower of Waterville told a quick dirty joke while on the job site recently in Scarborough. Good thing he had the phone camera in selfie mode when he told it cause this is friggin' funny right here and now everybody in Blimpville gets a good chuckle.
Yes, we know it's inappropriate and that's why we are laughing. So if you are easily offended. Please do the rest of us a favor and don't watch the video. If you do watch it and don't like it,keep your opinions to yourself. You were warned.
We know most of you will just laugh out loud and then wonder why we made a big deal out of cautioning those with a weak sense of humor. However, this video contains material that tells of showing a private part and bribery with a donut. That may be objectionable to those who don't like a good Maine dirty joke. Some friggin' people...right?
Bryan notes on his Facebook post that there are "too many weirdos in Maine."
Watch the video to find out what makes him say that. We keep watching it over and over just to hear him say the line, "f**kin' guy walks up to me in a hahd hat" with that Maine distinctive construction worker ah-ticulation.
Thanks to our friends at Maine As F**k putting this one out there. If you love Maine warts and all, you should follow this page on Facebook. They get us, cause they are us.