Memorial Day is the Most Dangerous Day of the Year to Drive!
Three day weekends are legendary for their traffic, but none more so than this weekend! Memorial Day weekend is the most dangerous weekend of the year to drive according to Triple-A. About 33 million people are traveling our roadways and about 400 people die in car crashes each year around Memorial Day. And 44% involve alcohol. Please don't ever drink and drive, but also drive defensively, leaving plenty of room between you and other drivers who may be impaired. Sad, but true.
Here are the top ten most dangerous days to drive, according to Triple-A:
1. Memorial Day Weekend
2. The first Monday after Daylight Savings Time! I did not know that!
3. Black Friday
4. Any day there is an N.F.L. game.
5. Friday the 13th!!! True!
6.New Year's Day
7. The Fourth of July
8. Thanksgiving
9. Christmas
10. St. Patrick's Day
Please be safe out there, and remember that Memorial Day is about remembering soldiers who have died maintaining our freedom. Be safe enjoying those freedoms and please send out a grateful thought to them.