My C-19 Impulse Buy Of The Week, A Squirrel Picnic Table
With my kids having Zoom play dates and Mark at work, there are couple hours during the day when there is no one to save me from myself, that is when purchases such as this are made. I present to you a squirrel feeder picnic table.
The funniest part of this is not that I bought it, it's that I forgot buying it. A box showed up on our doorstep last week and I couldn't for the life of me remember what it could possibly be. When I opened it I was psyched. "Yay, I bought It!" That's right, I was going to give it to my step dad for his birthday in a couple weeks. But like so many gifts that I buy for other people, I think I'll keep it.
Here is the Etsy listing:
"Squirrel feeder picnic table
A pressure treated picnic table sized perfectly for your squirrel friends to enjoy eating from. Can use corn or your favorite squirrel food. Makes a great Mother’s Day gift or something to pass the time during quarantine. We Can add a bracket to sit on a post of wanted."
OMG, how cute. The kid is actually looking at real wildlife right now, not on a screen and not as a cartoon character or stuffed on grandpa's mantle. That there is a real, live squirrel.
Did she go to finishing school? That squirrel has better table manners than my children. I wonder if she gives etiquette classes. I bet she knows what a fish fork is.
Am I insane for buying a picnic table for squirrels? Just kidding. If you think I am, keep it to yourself. Those of you with me on this one, comment on our Fan Page.