Dive into the heartwarming narrative of Merriam the Beaver, a popular figure at Maine Wildlife Park, who underwent successful surgery at Gray Animal Center.
So if you were planning on taking a hike with family during April vacation week, this might very well be the most fun nature walk in Maine of them all.
Now that November is here, we thought you should know that there are only a few days left to get there and enjoy this magical place. The park will be closing for the season Veteran's Day weekend.
Do you sometimes look out your kitchen window, see a pretty bird hangin' out on your shrubbery, and wonder what kind it is? Are you maybe looking for a fun adventure this Saturday?
After being closed for the winter, it was scheduled to re-open this Saturday at 9:30am. As you can imagine, the cold and snow that we had this week hasn't been helpful in being able to welcome visitors by this weekend.