Episode III in a Galaxy Far ‘From Away’
See what we did there? Yeah, thought we should get clever with the headline since it's Star Wars week. Anyway as we get pumped for Episode VIII: The Last Jedi coming on Friday, let's watch Episode III of Maine's new series 'From Away'.
Hosted by Brunswick native Teagan Wright, the series takes us all over Vacationland to visit the folks that help make our state the best place on Earth.
And this guy does it all, creating directing and presenting the show. Not only does he host, he gets right into the sometimes dirty work along with the people he features.
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So far this season, Teagan has take us blueberry picking and honey making. The latest episode takes us behind the scenes of Maine potatoes, the "Swiss army knife" of vegetables. "You can boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew." And how 'bout vodka and gin? Let's learn how to make spirits from the fahm to the bah with the experts at Cold River!