ICYMI: Maine Viral Veteran Jeff “You’re F-in’ Worth It!” Paradis on WBLM Morning Show
Maine Viral Veteran, Jeff Paradis graciously stopped in for a visit with the Captain and Celeste on the WBLM Morning show today. He told intense story of being overcome with emotion on the grounds of Veteran's Hospital at Togus recently and putting his phone into video selfie-mode. After he tapped the record button, Jeff poured his heart out with a rallying call for us all.
That is, to wake up and realize that the heartbreaking statistic of 22 Veteran suicides a day, has got to stop. People are still watching and listening to his powerful message as the video has now surpassed an astounding ONE MILLION VIEWS!
His closing words of "You're F-in' Worth It!" are resonating with people all over the world. Now, Jeff is getting very close to releasing T-Shirts featuring the real talk slogan with 100% of the profits going to help our Veterans. We'll keep you posted on when they'll be available.
Hello ELLEN? Let's get Jeff on your show and spread this important story even further, please!
Listen to Jeff Paradis live in the studio with us this morning. You'll also hear a call from a Veteran with a message for Jeff that had us all in tears.
Veterans and family members can get help by calling the Veterans Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255.